Home Depot and Ryobi Win Top Spots in US Outdoor Power Equipment Market
Consumers invest a lot into the power equipment they need to take care of their properties. The TraQline data covering the outdoor power equipment market for the quarter ending in June of 2021 offers…
Bath Industry Market Share: What You Need to Know
TraQline is your source of data and market information for the bath industry. While our quarterly reports include in-depth details used by brands like...
Home Depot and Sherwin Williams Take Top Spots in US Paint & Primer Market
For years, home improvement retailers and specialty paint stores have held top spots in the paint and primer market. Even though more people head to h...
IKEA, Wayfair, and their impact on the home décor market
Both outlets have their perks—whether it’s IKEA’s Småland supervised play area or Wayfair’s endless aisles and fast shipping.
US Paints & Primers Market Share infographic
What are the best brands and outlets in the Paint & Primer market? – An infographic TraQline answers the “who”, “what”, “where”, “when”, “why”,...
Competitive Analysis | Cell Phone Market | Apple vs Samsung Market Share
This article was originally posted on January 14, 2020. It has been updated to reflect our more recent TraQline data. I love the feeling a new year...
Who’s Winning the US Computing Market?
Computers have grown to be a mainstay in the American home. And after the pandemic and lockdowns of 2020, computing devices practically became a neces...
Home Depot and Lowe’s Win Each Region in the Plant and Flower Market
With summer upon us and gardens in bloom, there is no better time to explore the data that TraQline has on the plant and flower market, including: ann...
What Happened When the Path to Purchase Met Social Media
Click the image to go to our download page! The process of purchasing goods and services is always evolving—especially over the last 15 months duri...