Benefits (and drawbacks) of Receipt Data

Tapping into various types of consumer data is essential for identifying potential customers, meeting existing customers’ expectations, and ultimately gaining market share. Collecting information on consumer behavior is nothing new, but with different types of data available, making sure you are accessing the right data means the difference between a mediocre sales performance and a commanding lead of market share. To help you find the best information for your business, TraQline Content Marketing Manager Corinne Clements sits down with Eric Voyer, Vice President of Sales and Marketing at The Stevenson Company, to discuss the growing popularity of receipt data and how it compares to the information available in panel data.

CC: Eric, thank you for spending some time with us today.

EV: Sure, absolutely. I’m happy to do it.

Before we talk about the strengths and weaknesses of receipt data, would you tell us more about your background and how your role with The Stevenson Company has evolved over the 23 years you’ve been with us?

I spent about six years as a research designer and analyst working with clients to solve problems such as how to address product marketing and design challenges. I designed custom research based on the client needs and analyzed those results. We then worked together to identify data-driven solutions to their challenges. That role led me into account management and working with retailers and vendors to help them understand how TraQline could add value to their companies.

As the company has grown, there’s been a need to build a team of account executives, and today, I help manage those individuals, ensure clients get what they need out of TraQline, and continue to pursue improvements to our product.

Is that one of the reasons you began to incorporate receipt data, among other data sources, as one of the resources in TraQline?

Yes, receipt data is something that's really come about recently because everyone has a camera on their smartphone, plus retailers are more often emailing purchase receipts to product buyers. Receipt data allows us to better augment our insight into the precise products consumers are purchasing, where they make the purchase, when they're purchasing it, and how much they are paying for it.

Which scenarios are most ideal for using receipt data?  

Receipt data works well for FMCG (fast moving consumer goods) because of large sample sizes and a very diverse retailer mix but is still in the early stages for consumer durables. There are three key scenarios that receipt data is good for: the first would be fast follow-ups. For example, you can ask a customer to take a picture of the receipt for the product they just purchased. Then you could follow up with that person in a day or two and gather a range of valuable information. One drawback is that these types of follow-ups can be expensive.

The second scenario involves getting really detailed static information about a purchase. On a receipt, you have all kinds of information  --  everything from the time of purchase to the actual physical address of the store to the method of payment.

And finally, you can get basket attachment rates, that is, what other items did a consumer buy when they bought your item? 

Again, because of the frequency of the transactions in these markets and the resulting sample sizes collected, receipt data is a good tool for fast moving consumer goods (FMCG) and Consumer Packaged Goods – but, ensuring the data is representative for Consumer Durables is very challenging because the frequency of purchase by an individual consumer/household is low.

The type of information gleaned from receipts can be very beneficial to companies, but are there limitations to what receipt data has to offer?

There are limitations for sure. For example, it is challenging to get a representative sample size in a short period of time for products that don’t sell in the quantities and frequencies, across many retailers that CPG products sell in. This makes the sample that is available good for qualitative questions but not as much so for timely quantitative data that is representative of the whole market. Also, we’ve been enthusiastic about a time when receipt data may allow us to really dive deeper into analyzing market share. Unfortunately, despite all the information that current receipt data does provide, it isn’t representative enough and doesn’t contain the robustness of information required to accurately relay market share data. 

Why can’t you get market share from the data found on receipts?

Market share is challenging to calculate from receipts because representation matters. It takes a large and sample of non-skewed receipts, balanced across the appropriate online and brick and mortar retailers, which translate into a diverse population of people - from young adults to elderly – male and female - and all parts of the country to get a representative sample of the population. Wow, that is a mouthful! As we started digging into the available receipt sources, which is exponentially larger than our competitors, we found that there still weren’t enough receipts available to get, say, freestanding range share across the country.

Retailer representation is also a huge problem. Assuming you get the issues I just mentioned solved, you’ll need to still “map” an ever-changing receipt to not just your products but to your competition’s as well. To better understand the complexity, let’s say two thousand retailers sell tires. If all sell Yokohama, every retailer’s receipt will have a different SKU and name for a specific model. You have to know what's out there and map individual names with the product and then analyze the data across all of the retailers.

For an individual store, receipt data works great, but in aggregate, it would not be representative due to the thousands of permutations, which are constantly increasing. With TraQline, we don't try to get to model number; we calculate at the brand and category level, which offers better control of representation. This means that when you’re calculating market share, a survey like TraQline, with over 600,000 completes a year is still the best way to capture the entire marketplace.

Considering this limitation of receipt data, is panel data a better option in some situations?

As we’ve discussed, receipt data provides valuable and detailed information about a specific purchase. But because receipt data cannot give market share or show path to purchase, it should be used primarily in the ways I mentioned earlier. Panel data, however, gives more insight into how and why people shop because it gathers data over a greater span of time and a larger cross-section. It is representative of the whole market. As a result, it offers the best opportunity to track trends and any changes in those trends over time.

What kind of insight does pairing receipt data and panel data provide?

You’ve hit on the future of consumer insights. Pairing the data provides the best of both worlds. We’re working toward a model where we use consumer panels to get behavioral trends and a complete representation of the rest of the market. Receipt data (plus information available about consumers web behavior – a topic for another day!) helps us understand the SKUs, and the brands purchased at key retailers.

How does receipts data affect the clarity of the TraQline survey?

More data, more opportunity for clarity. For years, survey data has been clarified by using both proven statistical weighting methods and improvements in technology. For instance, surveys used to be pen and paper and sent through the mail. Using technology (computers and web browsers) to collect the data improved the reach and speed. Next, skip patterns became automated. Then images and video were added. There are hundreds of examples of using nascent technology to clarify survey results and providing visibility into consumers buying behaviors through receipt data is just another iteration of this.

What inspired the TraQline team to incorporate receipt data alongside panel data?

TraQline is always on the lookout for new technologies and ways that we can continue to make it easier for respondents to answer our surveys and then also make the data more actionable on the TraQline side. Just like TraQline was the first national panel to go all online, we’re the first in our space to use a combination of these techniques.

Thanks so much for taking this time today to go over how TraQline is incorporating more receipt data into the research and analysis that it’s doing. I really appreciate it.

Great questions, Corinne! It was fun chatting with you, and I look forward to our next conversation.

Major Appliance Market Share Infographic

Now available: 2022 major appliance market share data and infographic

What are the best brands and outlets in the Major Appliances market? – An infographic

TraQline answers the “who”, “what”, “where”, “when”, “why”, and “how” for Home Appliances market share. Our quarterly survey will help you understand who’s buying Home Appliances, where they’re buying them, and what drives their decisions. Our infographic will help you answer the following questions about the Major Appliances market and how it is changing…

Who leads sales in the Core Major Appliances market?

Our infographic will give you greater details, but for now, here’s what you need to know about the market leaders for Total Core Major Appliance:

  • Lowe’s holds the lead for unit and dollar share in the Total Core Major Appliance market, though dollar share is relatively flat from last year.
  • Samsung is the brand leader for Total Core Major Appliance with 17.9 percent of unit share.
  • Samsung’s and LG’s share increase is largely at the expense of Whirlpool and Maytag.

How much do consumers spend on Major Appliances?

When buying Total Core Major Appliance, the industry average price paid for these products is $911. However, the average amount spent at different retailers can vary. For example:

  • Shoppers buying Total Core Major Appliance from Lowe’s spend $894 on average.
  • Shoppers at Home Depot on the other hand, spend about $919 on average.

 What demographic is buying Major Appliances?

Just who buys Core Appliances?  TraQline’s census-balanced respondent pool has given us insights like:

  • A little over a third of all Total Core Major Appliance purchases both men and women are both invoiced in the purchase (37%).
  • The South region over-indexes on Total Core Major Appliance buyers.

Core Appliance Market – Online Vs. Brick & Mortar Sales Trends:

With 26% of Total Core Major Appliance purchases being made online, it is vital to keep track of online sales trends. Here’s just some of the trends that TraQline has uncovered:

  • The percentage of Total Core Major Appliance Purchases made online has increased significantly from this time a year ago (26 percent in 2021 vs 25 percent in 2020).
  • Possibly contributing to Home Depot’s growth, 22 percent of the retailer’s Total Core Major Appliance buyers bought online, a significant change year over year.

 Total Major Appliance Market Share Facts:

Curious about other information TraQline’s survey has uncovered?  Here’s a preview for you:

  • The average price paid for Total Core Major Appliance ($911) is up $73 compared to last year’s average price.
  • Home Depot saw significant increases in unit and dollar shares as well as draw and close rate for Total Core Major Appliance.

Learn more about the Major Appliance industry with our suite of market research products including Durable IQ, SKU Metrix, and HPOS.

To see everything we’ve included on our infographic, fill out the form below and download your own copy:

Spotting Seasonal Sales Trends in Consumer Data

Whether it’s new TVs before the Super Bowl or grills for the start of summer, there are certain products that we all expect to have seasonal sales trends. After all, in the Northern Hemisphere, you typically don’t need a snow thrower in mid-July or a new lawn mower in January. However, a close examination of TraQline data reveals that more products have a seasonal trend than you might expect. Here are a few highlights from our data.

Below are the 20 products with the largest sample size in TraQline:

  1. TV Total
  2. Cell Phone
  3. Computer: Laptop or Notebook
  4. Stereo Headphones
  5. Microwave: Countertop
  6. Video Game System
  7. Tape Measure
  8. Garden Hose
  9. Speakers: Portable Mini, Bookshelf, Soundbars
  10. Interior Paint per Ticket
  11. Refrigerator
  12. Portable Fan
  13. Clothes Washer
  14. Room Air Conditioner
  15. Tires: Auto/Minivan per Ticket
  16. Air filter
  17. Vacuum: Upright
  18. Spray Paint/Aerosol Paint
  19. Barbecue Grill
  20. Coffee Maker

All of the bolded items, a remarkable 18 out of 20, show evidence of seasonality for when they are purchased.

Which Quarters Show the Most Seasonal Sales Trends?

Certain quarters are more likely to have product seasonality than others. Eleven of the 20 categories see their biggest seasonal bumps in Q4, between the months of October and December. Q2, between April and June, comes in second place for seasonal products. Q3 and Q1 have one category each – Refrigerators and Interior Paint, respectively. Why do Q4 and Q2 have so many more products affected by seasonality?

Products showing seasonal trends in Q4

Many of the seasonal sales trends in Q4 can be attributed to the holiday shopping season. Consumers have come to expect deals on certain products at this time of year, which increases demand. Consumer electronics, such as TVs, laptop and notebook computers, video game systems, and speakers, are often on sale and are a part of the Q4 seasonal sales trends.

New products are typically announced early in the year- especially at events such as CES. So in addition to holiday sales, retailers are likely to further reduce prices to move inventory and make room for the latest and greatest products coming to market.

However, it’s not all consumer electronics. Items such as tape measures, upright vacuums, coffee makers, and minivan tires also see seasonal upticks in Q4. Vacuums and coffee makers may also be benefitting from holiday sales. Tires, on the other hand, could be benefitting from consumers who want tires that can better handle snow and ice.

Products with seasonal trends in Q2

From April to June, the Northern Hemisphere is warming up after winter, and we see an increase in purchases meant for the outdoors. Garden hoses, barbecue grills, and spray paint all benefit from a lift in sales during the Spring. Portable fans and room air conditioners also trend in this quarter, as consumers seek to cool down as the world warms ups.

Do Demographics Play a Role in Seasonal Sales Trends?

While there is a lot of overlap in what men and women purchase that shows seasonal trends, there are some unique differences. For example, coffee makers don’t make the top 20 purchases list for men, but rank 8th on the list for women. Men purchase more TVs in Q4 of the year, whereas women purchase more cell phones during the same period. Appearing only on the list of products for seasonal trends for men is auto batteries. Like tires, it is somewhat surprising that auto batteries make the list. Typically, consumers buy them only when they need them. It could be that, as the weather gets colder, auto batteries are more likely to need to be replaced. On the list for products women purchase that show seasonal sales trends in Q1 is household cleaners. Perhaps this is in preparation for spring cleaning!

TraQline Trends Data Help You Identify Sales Trends

While retailers and manufacturers expect certain seasonal trends in what consumers are searching to purchase, access to historical consumer panel data can highlight trends that might otherwise fly under the radar. Curious about seeing what trends may be hiding just out of sight in your category? Contact TraQline for a demo today!

Who's winning in the US Small Appliance Market

From vacuum cleaners and coffee makers to blenders and rug cleaners, the small appliance market encompasses a unique mix of consumer products. The global market as a whole is currently forecasted to reach more than $581 Billion by 2030. Take a look at some of the data covering the small appliance market from the fourth quarter end for December 2021.

A Look at the Top Retailers in the Small Appliance Market

The reigning outlet by dollar share at the 4Q end at December 2021 was Amazon, which held only a small lead over Walmart (23.3 percent vs 21.8 percent). However, where unit shares were concerned, Walmart had a substantial lead over all other competitors, including Amazon. The retail giant held 31.8 percent of the market for unit shares. While Target has remained stable with dollar shares over the last several years in the small appliance market, their share of units sold has declined for the last two years.

How many retailers do shoppers really consider?

Around 67 percent of shoppers seem to already know what they want and where they want to buy it when they set out in search of small appliances because they shop at just one outlet. This is especially true for shoppers that visit Walmart or Amazon first. By contrast, people were more likely to have shopped at four outlets or more if they made their purchase at Costco.

What About the Top Brands?

Certain brands have grown to be big players when it comes to small appliances, some even holding steady with dollar and unit shares for several years. At the 4Q end in December of 2021, Dyson held the largest percentage of dollar shares at 15.9 percent, even though their dollar shares also had the biggest decline from the year before (a 1.2 percent loss). Bissel topped out for unit shares, holding 7.9 percent of the small appliance market, while Hoover was a close second at 6.7 percent.

Why do buyers choose certain brands over others?

Competitive price seemed to be the clear winner when it comes to why consumers bought a certain brand, but this purchase driver has actually been on the decline since the 4Q end December 2017. Black and Decker buyers were most concerned about competitive price, while Dyson small appliance buyers were most concerned about quality of the product and a good brand name. Interestingly, people usually bought Keurig because they had previously purchased the brand.

Other Key Buyer Behaviors in the Small Appliance Market

Take a look at a few other interesting insights from the TraQline small appliance market report:

  • What drives the decision to purchase a small appliance the most? - Most shoppers were replacing a broken unit
  • Why did shoppers visit a certain store for small appliances? - Competitive price was the biggest draw for certain retailers, especially Amazon
  • Are shoppers buying small appliances online or in-store? - More people bought in-store vs online, but by a slim margin
  • Who has the highest price index among small appliance brands? - Dyson, Hoover, and SharkNinja

Want a closer look at who's winning in the US small appliance market?

Small appliances are a mainstay in everyday life. It’s important to understand which retailers and brands are taking center stage. The data suggests that quality may even be growing more important than price, especially with some brands. This indicates that buyers are growing more aware of which brands have the best reputation for quality, and they aren't as afraid to pay for that quality as they once were.

TraQline's small appliance market analysis yields valuable insight into top brands, top retailers, buyer demographics, and more. Be sure to get our free infographic today!

A Look at 2021 Mattress Industry Market Share

With new and online mattress retailers becoming increasingly popular, the mattress industry is changing every day. As manufacturers work to gain market share, the most reliable source of actionable data comes directly from consumer behavior. The experts at TraQline are here with a closer look at the mattress industry data, trends, statistics, and market share insights from 2021. 

An Overview of the Mattress Industry

The mattress industry scope covers a comprehensive array of mattress types, including inner-spring coil mattresses, pocketed-spring coil mattresses, foam mattresses, water mattresses, air mattresses, and hybrid mattresses. However, it does not encompass peripheral purchases, such as box springs, bed frames, or headboards.

Mattress Data, Statistics, and Market Share Insights

Keeping an eye on mattress industry data can help you complete line reviews, gain market share, and defend against competitive threats. Three main metrics to watch include top-performing mattress brands, online vs. brick-and-mortar mattress sales, and consumer purchase motivation

Top-Performing Brands and Retailers in the Mattress Industry

In the US mattress industry, our 2021 top-performing retailer was The Mattress Firm with the largest percentage of the market share. This is followed closely by Mattress Store. Conversely, Canada’s top mattress retailer was Sleep Country—winning the most consumer dollars. This was followed by The Brick. 

While there were stark differences between the US and Canadian mattress retailer performance, the industry’s brand performance showed close similarities. Which brands took the top spot in the mattress industry? Closing out 2021, the top brand in both the US and Canada was Sealy

Online vs. In-Store Mattress Sales

Mattress showrooms have a long history of driving confidence in sales—allowing customers to experience and compare mattresses firsthand before buying. However, since COVID concerns began, customers have been more willing to buy online. Improved online shopping experiences, satisfaction guarantees, and more widely available customer reviews may also be driving factors in the success of online mattress sales. However, brick-and-mortar mattress sales still narrowly lead in both the US and Canadian markets. 

Consumer Motivation: Why Do Customers Buy a New Mattress?

Understanding consumer motivation can help both brands and retailers stay competitive in the mattress industry. The purchase motivation metrics were consistent across the US and Canadian mattress markets—with slightly different sales percentages:

  • The leading motivator of mattress purchases was damage, breakage, or other issues with the consumer’s current mattress. This held true for both US and Canada. 
  • The second leading motivation for consumer mattress purchases was moving to a new home.
  • The third leading motivator for mattress sales was consumers simply wanting a new one.. 

TraQline: Your Source of Mattress Market Data

This report merely scratches the surface of our mattress industry data. You can receive the same quarterly reports with in-depth insights used by top mattress industry leaders by partnering with TraQline. We invite you to contact our professionals to learn more today. 

Gender's Role in Purchases: Reaching Your Target Demographic

Advertising is a vital marketing expense. Ads let consumers know a product exists, and they paint a picture about how that product will solve consumers’ problems. Whether it’s a Pay-Per-Click campaign online, a #SponCon post on an influencer’s Instagram account, or even a multi-million dollar Super Bowl commercial, marketers need to get their products in front of consumers.

Each consumer reached by an ad has the potential to become a loyal customer. When it comes to selling consumer durables, such as kitchen and bath fixtures, consumer electronics, or power equipment, it’s important to understand who the target customer is. This is true especially for larger household purchases. Understanding who makes these decisions allows companies to have targeted marketing. This lets them maximize the ROI on each dollar they spend.

One interesting area of consumer research data involves households with both a male and female decision-maker.

According to the U.S. Census Bureau, there are approximately 130 million married people in the US (note: this figure includes same-sex marriages). This number grows if you include households made of unmarried male/female couples. By examining who is making decisions for specific purchases, marketers can better determine whether they should gear their marketing efforts more toward men or women.

According to TraQline, our quarterly survey that reaches over 500,000 consumers annually, there are certain product categories that fall into female-dominated, male-dominated, or joint-decision purchases.

Categories Where Women Tend to Make Purchase Decisions

Women account for a large percentage of decisions in certain key categories. For example:

  • Furniture and Home Accessories: Women are the sole decision makers 54 percent of the time. Men and women make joint decisions 27 percent of the time.
  • Small Appliances: Small appliances show a 55 percent female lead compared to 29 percent for men.
  • Cell Phones: This data may surprise people. For most consumer electronics, men make the majority of purchasing decisions. But for cell phones, women make 41 percent of the purchase decisions compared to only 38 percent for men.

Categories Where Men Tend to Make Purchase Decisions

Power Tools, Lawn and Garden, Auto, and Consumer Electronics top the list of male-dominated categories:

  • Power Tools: Men account for 62 percent of power tool purchases.
  • Lawn and Garden Care: Men account for 47 percent of purchases related to lawn and garden. But women aren’t far behind, with 34 percent of decisions.
  • Auto tires and batteries: Men are responsible for 55 percent of these decisions.
  • Consumer Electronics: Men account for 50 percent of electronic purchases, especially in the areas of video game systems, smartwatches, and automotive electronics. The exception is cell phones, as mentioned above, where women report making more of the purchasing decisions.

Categories Where Men and Women Tend to Make Joint Purchase Decisions

Large ticket items and purchases that all members of a household use show a higher percentage of joint-decision making. Categories of goods that men and women purchase together include:

  • Kitchen and Bath Improvement: This category includes cabinets, countertops, faucets, and sinks. Some 34 percent of respondents say these are joint-buying decisions, with the rest a bit more often made by women.
  • Flooring: These purchases tend to be joint decisions 43 percent of the time, with women edging out men 34 percent to 23 percent when the decision is made individually.

Other categories show a large percentage of joint decisions but still fall a bit behind those made unilaterally by men or women. Some consumer durables that fall into this category include:

  • Mattresses: At the end of 2015, this purchase was most often a joint decision. Now, women make the decision solo 48 percent of the time.
  • Large Appliances: Men make 37 percent of purchases, while joint decisions are made 30 percent of the time.
  • Windows and Doors: Men narrowly edge out joint-decision making 38 percent to 36 percent.

TraQline Illuminates Who's Making Household Purchases

When it comes to household buying decisions as a whole, men and women tend to share responsibilities. There are still certain categories where data shows that one gender or the other will be the primary purchaser. Knowing where to focus marketing efforts allows retailers and manufacturers to maximize advertising investments and increase sales. Using consumer behavior to identify specific customer bases allows retailers to develop strategies that more effectively target these groups. Contact the experts at TraQline for the data you need to reach your target market and drive sales today!

Kitchen Industry Market Share: 2021 Statistics and Metrics to Watch

TraQline uses advanced research methods to keep tabs on the kitchen industry market share, statistics, and other need-to-know insights. While our full reports provide in-depth details about this industry, our free infographics can help provide a surface-level overview of the kitchen industry. Let’s take a closer look at some of the key metrics revealed in our most recent kitchen industry quarterly report. 

Understanding the Kitchen Industry

Before we dive into kitchen industry data, it is helpful to understand what this industry’s market encompasses. The kitchen industry intersects with other prominent markets at every twist and turn. So where should you look for your kitchen industry statistics, sales, and market share data? 

When it comes to market share insights, information about large kitchen appliances—such as refrigerators and dishwashers—can be found within the major appliance industry. Similarly, smaller purchases—like toasters, blenders, and coffee makers—are categorized as small appliances. The statistics highlighted in the kitchen industry often encompass kitchen-specific features rather than appliances, including:

  • Kitchen Faucet Sales Insights
  • Sales of Kitchen Sinks
  • Kitchen Cabinet Sales
  • Insights for Kitchen Countertop Sales

Now that you know what to look for—let’s dive in deeper to understand key metrics from 2021 kitchen industry trends. 

Kitchen Industry Data, Statistics, and Market Insights

Within the kitchen industry, you will find a range of metrics to follow in your line reviews. Let’s take a closer look at the top three kitchen industry metrics to watch within the US and Canada.

How Consumers Buy: Online vs. In-Store

With increasing interest in online sales, we can see clear shifts in market share across industries. Do consumers prefer buying online or brick-and-mortar? Our Q3, 2021 data showed that a majority of purchases within the kitchen market occurred in-store. We can see from this metric that brick-and-mortar retail still dominates the kitchen market. However, a rising percentage of sales were completed online.

Online vs. in-store performance was similar in Canada, with a whopping majority of consumers buying brick-and-mortar. 

Where do Consumers Buy Kitchen Goods?

Whether you are completing a line review or keeping tabs on the kitchen industry market share, it is helpful to know where consumers are buying their kitchen goods. So which retailers are making the biggest waves in the kitchen industry? In Q3 2021, the top US retailer within the kitchen industry was Home Depot, closely followed by Lowes. 

Home Depot also earned the top retailer spot in Canada, followed by IKEA and Canadian Tire.

Why Consumers Buy: Kitchen Purchase Motivation

What motivates consumers to buy kitchen products and features? This purchase motivation has the potential to make or break sales. For example, when completing kitchen maintenance and repairs, they will likely want products known for longevity. Meanwhile, consumers redecorating and remodeling their kitchens will likely be more concerned about style and aesthetics. In the US, the top driver for Q3 2021 kitchen sales was redecoration. This leading motivation was closely followed by routine maintenance and remodeling.

The Canadian market showed similar trends, with routine maintenance accounting for the largest percentage of sales—also followed by redecoration and remodeling. 

TraQline: Your Source of Kitchen Industry Data

Are you ready to dive deep into the kitchen industry market share? This overview merely scratches the surface of TraQline’s powerful insights. We invite you to contact our experts to get started or learn more today.

Snowblower Market Share and Trends: US vs. Canada

At the peak of this winter season, it seems that the weather has been more unpredictable than in recent years. How has this impacted the snowblower market trends? How do these trends compare across the US and Canada? The market research experts at TraQline are here with insight. 

Top Retailers in the Snowblower Market

Naturally, all OPE retailers want to be consumers’ top choice when they need a new snow thrower. So, which providers took the top spots in 2021? 

According to TraQline data, the leading US retailer in both dollar share and number of units sold was Home Depot. Lowe’s came in at second place, with Independent Power Dealers as a whole coming in third for the US Snowblower market. 

In Canada, Canadian Tire took the top retailer spot, with Home Depot trailing in second. They were followed by Outdoor Power Equipment and Rona.

Snow Thrower Brand Performance

When buyers have a variety of snow thrower options to choose from, you might be wondering, “Which brands earned the most consumer dollars?” 

In the US, Toro was the leading snowblower brand and saw more than a 3 point YoY increase. Snow Joe & Sun Joe took second place —this was also a significant YOY increase, jumping more than 4 percentage points of market share. 

Toro was also the top brand in Canada. Honda trailed behind them, followed by Ariens and Craftsman. 

Purchase Motivation for the Snowblower Market

Naturally, snow and wintery weather are the catalysts for most snow blower purchases. But what motivates shoppers? In the US, the leading motivator was tied between first-time purchases and buyers who found their old unit was broken. 

In Canada, first-time buyers accounted for the largest percentage of sales, while customers reporting that their old unit had broken came in second place.

Online vs. In-Store Snowblower Purchasing Trends

Do users buy snowblowers in-store or online? This year, a large majority of US customers browsed online, while the number of consumers who actually purchased online saw a 4-point increase over last year. 

Meanwhile, a majority percent of Canadian consumers shopped online, but a much smaller percentage purchased online, resulting in a 4-point decrease in online purchases from last year. What could impact these trends? The sudden onset of snowstorms can leave buyers desperate for the immediacy of snow throwers, while the inclement weather can delay online shopping deliveries. 

TraQline: Your Source of OPE Market Share Data

For help staying in the know about OPE market share data, statistics, and insights, TraQline can help. Our professionals offer 100 percent of outdoor power equipment market coverage—including the snow thrower/snowblower industry. We invite you to contact our market research professionals for help getting started today! 

Small Appliance Market Infographic

What are the best brands and outlets in US Small Appliance market share? - An infographic

TraQline answers the “who”, “what”, “where”, “when”, “why”, and “how” for Small Appliances market shares. Our quarterly survey will help you understand who’s buying Small Appliances, where they’re buying it, and what drives their decisions. Our Small Appliances infographic will help you answer the following questions about the US market and how it is changing...

Who is leading sales in the Small Appliance market?

cropped image of the US Small Appliances infographic

Our infographic will give you greater details, but for now, here’s what you need to know about the market leaders for Small Appliances:

  • Walmart continues to lead unit share in Small Appliances, about 10 points ahead of the next outlet (Amazon).
  • Walmart and Amazon continue to lead in dollar share for Small Appliances.  However, while Walmart unit share is relatively flat year over year, Amazon dollar share is up almost 2 points.

How much do consumers spend on small appliances?

When purchasing Small Appliances, the industry average price paid is $102 – which is higher than this time last year.

  • Best Buy purchasers continue to show the highest average price paid at retailers – an average price paid of $212.
  • Shoppers buying Small Appliances at Walmart have an average price paid that is significantly lower than the industry average (about $70).

What demographic is buying small appliances?

Just who buys small appliances? TraQline's census-balanced respondent pool has given us insights like:

  • Women make solo decisions on what to buy for 53% of Small Appliance purchases and 76% of purchase have women involved in the purchase decision.
  • About 50% of Small Appliance purchases are made by those who have lived at their current address for 5 years or more.

Small Appliance Market - Online Sales Trends:

Small Appliance purchases being made online are up from this time last year.

Here are just some of the trends that TraQline has uncovered:

  • About 40% of Small Appliance purchases are being made online which is up significantly (1.5 points) from this time last year.

Small Appliance Market Share Facts:

Curious about other information TraQline's survey has uncovered? Here's another preview for you:

  • The most important reasons for purchasing small appliances at a particular outlet remain “competitive price” and “good selection of products”.  Amazon and Walmart over index in these attributes; likely leading to the higher unit share they typically have over other retailers year after year.

To see everything we've included on our infographic, fill out the form below and download your own copy:

Who is winning in the US Furniture Market?

Recliners, sofas, tables, dressers, desks—these are the pieces that make life at home more convenient and comfortable. As of 2020, the average consumer spent roughly $534 annually on furniture, a price that has been steadily rising for more than a decade. But where are people buying furniture, and which brands do they prefer? Here is a quick look at some of the furniture market trends at the 4Q end for December 2021.

A Look at the Top Stores in the Furniture Market

At the 4Q end for December 2021, the top retailer for furniture by dollar share was Ashley Furniture at 11.5 percent. However, by unit share, Amazon had an overwhelming lead among the top furniture outlets with 17.6 percent of the unit share in the furniture market. Both Ashley Furniture and Amazon have experienced gains since the 4Q end for December 2020, while outlets such as Walmart and Wayfair have declined significantly year over year (YoY).

How many stores do customers visit before purchasing?

Across the industry, most buyers shopped at only one store before they made a furniture purchase. This was especially true for customers who shopped at Ikea. Only about a quarter of shoppers visited at least two stores before making a purchase, while a higher percentage of those who bought from Wayfair had been to three stores.

A Look at the Top Brands in the Furniture Market

Right in line with the top stores, the top brand in the furniture market by dollar shares was Ashley Furniture with 16.2 percent. Ashley Furniture also held the highest number of unit shares in terms of units sold. The Wayfair brand has experienced consistent gains in dollar share for the last several years but had a dip in brand dollar share between 2020 and 2021. Ikea experienced a significant gain in unit shares between December 2020 and 2021 after experiencing YoY losses between 2014 and 2019.

How many brands do customers consider before purchasing?

Regardless of the brand, the majority of buyers seem to know which brand of furniture they want before they shop. Around 81 percent of buyers considered only one brand, while 19 percent considered two brands or more. Oddly enough, most buyers who purchased the Mainstays brand of furniture shopped for only one brand, while just over half who shopped at Wayfair considered only one brand.

Regional Differences in the US Furniture Market

There are a few regional differences in the furniture market when it comes to where people buy their pieces. For example, Ikea held a higher percentage of the market in the West, second only to Amazon. Shoppers in the Northeast were most likely to buy from either Amazon or Wayfair. Target held the least share of the market in all regions.

Other Noteworthy Buyer Behaviors and Demographics

Check out a few other interesting bits of information about buyer behaviors in the furniture market:

  • Why do people buy furniture to start with? - Most buyers are simply buying replacements
  • Why choose a certain furniture store? - Competitive price, especially Wayfair shoppers
  • Furniture pieces or sets? - Most buyers purchase furniture by the piece vs. as a collection
  • Online vs in-store? Almost as many buyers purchased furniture online as in-store

Want a More Comprehensive Look at the US Furniture Market?

For many years, certain brands and outlets have dominated the furniture market. Brands such as Ikea, La-Z-Boy, and Ashley Furniture remain stable in today's market, but other key players in the industry are giving some of those big names in furniture a run for their money. These changes could be related to the fact that almost as many buyers are shopping online for furniture these days as in-store.

Want a closer look at the entire TraQline furniture market analysis? Be sure to check out our infographic.